Melissa and Doug

Chalk Activity Book

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Chalk Activity Book

All the fun of chalkboards, all the convenience of activity books! This engaging art book features reusable “chalkboard” pages that look like a traditional chalkboard-and erase like one, too! Designed to encourage a huge variety of games and feed creativity, the pages in the spiral-bound chalk activity book are preprinted with mazes to follow, pictures to complete, dots to connect, game boards to fill, and much more. The set includes 20 activity pages, 8 pieces of chalk, and an eraser.


Conforms to ASTM D-4236.


Dimensions: 11.5″ x 8.25″ x 0.75″


We conveniently offer this is sets of 1, 12, or 24!! This is perfect for schools!!!!


7.90 (in)
10.90 (in)
0.45 (in)

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